Sad, not surprised.

I am sad, NOT surprised to see the way the Haiti humans who are seeking asylum are being treated. Biden is no different than any other racist who stood in office.

I am sad, NOT surprised to hear the media and resources highlighting the disappearance of a white woman, when that NEVER happens to POC.

I am sad, NOT surprised to see the CDC trying to convince parents to vaccinate kids as young as 5. For a virus that we were just reported as having the “lowest transmission” here in California.

I am sad, NOT surprised to see stadiums full, concerts full, events full, but our kids are forced to distance and wear masks.

I am sad, NOT surprised to see a database being complied of all the vaccine related deaths, illness, side effects and yet that is not a headline.

What surprises me, is the complacency, the conforming. I tell you what, if I had the money and resources, I would drive to the border right now and bring a fuck ton of other like minded people with me and we would figure out safe passage for ANYONE who is seeking refuge. I would share those same resources on catching pedophiles, predators, sex traffickers, molesters, rapists and abusers. On reuniting runaways, people who have fled in fear, displaced families, and those seeking to be citizens. And every victim and their family would receive the SAME time and attention. I would create a campaign for elementary schools, sharing health and wellness, how to naturally boost our immune systems, how stress, diet and energy all play a factor in our ability to thrive, and alternatives to western medicine and medication. And I would ask the parents, those same parents who are attending football games, the bar, restaurants, the mall, to extend the same space to live and evolve. There is nothing natural about allowing the government, CDC, FDA, and even science to tell us how to parent our kids. That is our inherent gift, right and responsibility, NO ONE else’s.

It’s a good thing we all are right

The Governor gives an order of curfew, the Sherrif and counties announce they will not follow or comply

The CDC says wear a mask, but still allows tons of people with out spacing in stores like Walmart, Costco and the Dollar Tree. Closing things like gyms which do not even have a high case count, while keeping malls open. All the while empowering consumers to wear it as they see fit, many with it not at all. Then we wonder why there are so many altercations between people about this topic?

The election is done and Biden clearly won, but because the media continues to drag it on and Trump continues to drag it on, we all are uneasy and have no clue what the fuck is going on. And it just fuels the division.

BUT, at least we all are right.

And that is the biggest problem of them all.

I can not unsee 2020

I can no longer make blind purchases without researching who’s pockets I am filling.

I can no longer pretend I didn’t hear your micro agressions. No matter how low under the breath they are muttered, I hear and feel every single ounce of racism, ignorance, and hate.

I can no longer accept the fact that our government is the final word. Not when it has proven that is a system built on prejudice and injustice. Not when it is founded and ran solely by rich, white, partisan, old men.

I can not work for an employer that does not value people for what they are truly worth.

I can no longer pretend that some of you aren’t racist. Because you are. And perhaps it was inherently passed down from generation to generation and I am understanding of that. What I am not understanding of, is the lack of desire to change. To accept everyone, as equal.

I can not ignore the fact that there is a very real evil in the world. And it takes the form of many shapes and faces. Where there is power, a power that upholds only an elite percentage of people, you will find that evil close by.

I can not convince myself anymore, that Western Medicine is for the people. It is for the profits. And as long as Dr’s are not suggesting or prescribing holistic healing modalaties to get to the root of the problem, they will always be for profit in my eyes.

I can not accept the fact that police are allowed to kill, anyone. Ever. They are hired to protect and serve, not decide who lives and who dies.

I can not unsee 2020.